Physical and Health Education

Physical and Health Education

About the Department

The Department of Physical and' Health Education is one of the six departments in the Faculty of Education. The department was created in September, 1988 under the leadership of professor (Dr) Taoheed A. Adedoja, the programme was approved as an academic programme i.e. B.Sc. (Ed) Physical and Health Education in 1989. The students and staff enrolment keeps on increasing as there is high demand of the products of this programme. The Department was splitted into two (2) in the year 2011/2012 session as B.Sc. (Ed) Physical Education and B.Sc. (ED) Health Education Programme. The splitting of the department programme is as a result of NUC approval of B.Sc. (Ed) Human Kinetics/Physical Education and B.Sc.(ED) Health Education as separate Programmes. Both Physical  Education and Health Education Programme has appreciable number of students and housed in the department of Physical and Health Education.

The graduates of these programmes work in different ministries, agencies and parastatals of both states and federal level Such as Ministries of Education, Health, Environment, Youths and Sports, Sports Councils, States universal Basic Education Board, World Health Organization, UNICEF just to mention but few. While a number of students of the department have represented the state and federal government in different sporting activities.

The academic strength of the department are as follows: Seven (7) staff on professorial cadre, Four (4) senior
lectures, four (4) lecturer I and two as lecturer II. All these staff engaged fully in academic activities of teaching and
research and collaborated in the teaching of both programmes. The Department runs post-graduate programmes at Masters and Doctorate levels in the following areas; Health Education, Exercise and Sports Science, Sports
Management and Adapted Physical Education.

The Masters programme was commenced in 2001/2002 session with 12 pioneers students. In the 2009/2008 the department started Ph.D. in the same areas running masters programme. The department also, runes Post-graduate Diploma in Recreation and Sports Tourism Management and In Health Education, started in 2005/2006 session. The department created another masters programme in Recreation and Sports Tourism Management in 2012/2013 session.
In 2018/2019 session the department mounted professional Masters in Health Education with following areas of specialty; Public Health Education, Community Health Education, Environmental and Safety Education, and School
Health Education. These programmes were approved by the senate of Bayero University, Kano. The professional
programme started with seventy (70) students from various states of the federation.

The Department of Physical and Health Education is located in the new Faculty of Education premises separate from the Deanery and Departmental blocks, New Campus.

Dr. Musa Haladu Darma (HOD)