About the Department

The Department was established in 1971 to train middle level human resources personnel for Local Education Authorities in Northern State of Nigeria. Two such programmes were therefore initially run viz. certificate in inspection and supervision (CISI) and Certificate in Educational Planning and Administration (CEPA). In October, 1988, the Bachelor of Education, B.Ed. Adult Education with specialization in either Adult Education or Community Development was introduced, the first of its kind in Northern Region. Today, the programme is subsumed under a B.Ed. Adult Education and Community development programme with B.Ad. (Ed) and B.Sc. (Ed) options. Through these, this department is able to meet the need for professionally trained staff in various State Agencies for Mass Education, public and Private Educational establishments, Schools (e.g. Universities, polytechnics and colleges of Education).

Community/ Social welfare Development Departments and Non– government Organizations as well as graduates for further academic educational pursuits here and elsewhere. With a clear vision of making University education capable of providing valuable support to the growth and development of our communities and the larger society, our B.Ed. Curriculum was reviewed in 2005, 2008 and 2010. The curriculum emphasized the following.

a) The need to meet the National University Commission Minimum standard;

b) A clear focus on changing societal needs;

c) Enhancing career outlets and promotional prospect for our graduates.

d) Providing or meeting the technological requirements in University education;

e) Imparting modern knowledge, facilitating skill-acquisition and obtaining the application requirements of global economy, and

f) Further recent review added to our focus meeting with the technological advancement in University Education.

In order to enhance the quality of our students, efforts were made; and are still being made to provide teaching and research equipment and to emphasize the practical component of the various courses offered. In this regard a life-long learning resources room was established in 2004. This reading facility is stocked with computers with practical component of various courses offered; an entrepreneur skills development workshop for practical demonstration purpose was set in 2009.

At the moment, there is increasing demand for our B.Ed. programme as evidenced from the geometrical rise in the number of applicants seeking admission into the department. We have quite a large number of in-service clienteles from mass Education Agencies and Local Government

Community Department, Non-Governmental Organizations, far and wide, and various other categories of learners. Over the years, the Department has become a major capacity building one, generally producing personnel for Adult Education and Community Development. With specialization in PhD in five different areas of community development, in addition to the Bachelor’s degree, Master of Education, (M.Ed.) degree with specializations (in Adult and non-formal Education, Community Development, professional masters in community development (MCD) and a postgraduate Diploma in Community development, Extension Education, Social welfare Education and gerontology) and a postgraduate Diploma in Community and Extension Education (PGDCDEE). Postgraduate diploma in non-formal Education (PGDNFF) programmes. In addition to an array of out-reach, need meeting community service programmes (e.g. Basic and post-Literacy classes; JSS Exams coaching etc.). These programmes are offered at literacy advancement centres which also serve as demonstration centre for the Bachelor’s degree students of this department.

1. Philosophy and Vision of the Programme

The department of Adult Education and Community Services shall offer an undergraduate programme leading to the award of Bachelor of Education (B. Ed) Degree in Adult Education and Community Development. The programme has five main teaching and research areas: Adult and Non – formal Education; Community Development; Extension Services; Gerontology and Social Welfare Education. The Department shall maintain a long-standing tradition of multidisciplinary scholarship, which would lead to innovative teaching, research community services and consultancies in the broad fields of the Adult Education and community services. The philosophical thrust of the programmes would be developing knowledge, skills, character and competences of staff and students in the challenging field of a “helping profession”: Literacy enhancement, non-formal education delivery, community development work, extension services and lifelong learning. The Department shall work cooperatively with adult and non-formal education institutions, human resource development organizations and community action groups as well as individuals to promote alternative basic education, workforce education and community Change.

2. Undergraduate Programme

The Department of adult education and Community Services shall offer an undergraduate programme leading to the award of Bachelor of Education (B Ed) Degree in Adult Education and Community Development.

3. Objectives One completion of the programme students would be able to:

a) Identify adult learning and community needs, with a view to formulating learning and development objectives for the target groups.

b) Organized functional outreach education programmes for youths, Adults and their larger communities as well as special groups within the community.

c) Demonstrate ability to work or take up professional employment in variety of areas like: class teaching, mass education delivery, community development and local government services, social welfare and cooperative work, civil service and extension services.

d) Design, implement and evaluate human resources and consulting training programmes for the workforce in public and private sectors especially tailored to specific needs and situations.

e) Acquire knowledge and skills for management of community change process and community mobilization for development.

f) Undertake, organize and supervise extension education support systems in the areas of literacy, agriculture, health, sanitation, water use/supply, general community development social rehabilitation, cooperatives etc. for sustainable development.